Monday, March 23, 2009

The Gang

I thought that I would post pics of the gang at my house. First we have the Sophie - The Ruling Queen of all that is, all that was, and all that shall be (definitely a legend in her own mind).

Sophie looks very content, does she?

Next we have the Happy Bouncing Basenji - Jasmine.

Another pose of Jasmine.

She loves to have her belly rubbed.

Then there is Barnabas - who was such a little vampire when he was a kitten that I named him Barbabas after the character of Barnabas Collins from the old gothic soap opera Dark Shadows.

Next is Roadie, or Rue, or the Road Dog. She answers to all of those names. Roadie was Guy's dog and now I have custody of her.

Another pic of the Road dog. I like this pic of her.

And last, but not least we have Halloween Kitty, she was also Guy's and I got custody of her as well. He called her Killer. LOL! And my BF calls her "Bud". Poor kitty she's never gonna learn her name!

Well, that's the gang at my house.

New blog for me

I am starting this new blog as I couldn't bring myself to post anything more on the my old blog
after the post about my son's passing. It just didn't feel right that I should put anything else there.
It is to remain with Guy's picture and what I wrote that last time. Nothing else will be added to it.
Some of my previous crochet projects are there, too.

After Guy was killed, when I couldn't do anything else. I could still crochet and my crochet, along with good friends and family has kept me from losing my mind during the worst time of my life.

I have wanting to learn how to crochet with thread. Tried once a couple of years ago and made a huge mess! But now I managed to make a Crinoline Girl in thread. She came out better than I expected she would. The only thing is that according to the pattern she should be 8" high. Well, I used the recommended size thread and hook and my Crinoline Girl is only 5 3/4" high. Not sure what happened there, but I am happy with the way she turned out.

This is the Tickled Pink Crinoline Girl.

Here are some other things that I have completed recently.

This is Freddie the Snowman and I made him for a swap.

Go Green Market Bag

Spider Web Doily (I changed the last round on this doily). And I made it with 100% cotton yarn.

Butterfly Fridgie

Pork Butt Fridgie - this one was too cute for me to resist makint!

Spiral Scrubbie